Welcome to CallersBooks
Where fantasy, sci-fi, and drama meet!

Aaron Thorn is a simple man with a simple code: Do no harm, take no shit, and a good man protects his family.
Three words that best describe Aaron are compassionate, disciplined, and honest. He's always training his body and mind to be able to protect those he cares about, defend those who need help, and knock out any who decide to throw hands with him. He's a patient man, but has no tolerance for ignorance. He'll call you out when you're wrong, but he'll also stop and help you improve.
Aaron has a deep seeded love for life. A bit of a minimalist, his Selvari roots and calm disposition make him feel right at home among the natural world, shunning most modern conveniences as unnecessary. He's not interested in making a big splash or having a big name. He just wants to be a good man and live a good life.
However, while Aaron doesn't enjoy violence, he understands the world he lives in. He understands that, sometimes, a man has to get violent to defend what he loves. Aaron will rarely start a fight. But, if you bring one to him, he'll gladly finish it.