Welcome to CallersBooks
Where fantasy, sci-fi, and drama meet!

Who is Xin Graves?
I've been writing off and on for as long as I can remember. Song lyrics, short stories, poems, speeches, scripts; you name it. I've always loved telling stories and creating characters. However, it wasn't until I was a young man that I started to take it seriously.
My first foray into writing as a profession was as a recording artist. I wrote a few songs, played a few shows, made a few friends. But, it never really took off. And, when life and money problems stack up, dreams become burdens. So, for a while, I gave up. Then, I met Kat.
After several attempts in various mediums, Kat and I came up with an idea. Inspired initially by the Summoning Jutsu from the anime, "Naruto", we came up with what would evolve into our own story: "Callers". Now, with my first truly professional work, the dedication of my beloved Autumn, and the enthusiasm of my incredible friend, Kate, we intend to provide a story that will captivate, motivate, entertain, and inspire.
Stick around.
I simply must have you!
You can contact me via the "Contact Us" form here. Simply address your message to "Xin Graves", and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience.