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The World of Eodiena
A comprehensive guide to the geography, cultures, and other unique details about the Callers universe.
(Scroll down to the Worldlink to explore the continent of Rin.)
About Eodiena
Eodiena is the planet on which the story of Callers takes place. A rocky planet about 3x the size of Earth, Eodiena is orbited by 2 moons, Yue and Tsukino. Tsukino is the larger of the 2, and it orbits further from the planet than Yue, taking longer to do so. Because of this, it's sometimes possible to see both moons in the sky at once, usually at different lunar stages. But, enough about moons. Let's get to the continent. ​ The main continent you encounter in the story is Rin, home to the 5 Prime Lands: Avenir, Atmos, At'aasi, Dikar, and Selva. Each hosts its own culture, geography, and in the cases of Atmos and At'aasi, laws of physics. And, each are built around the type of Caller native to that land. The history of these lands is steeped in conflict and compromise, with most having been at war with the others at some point. The only real exception to this is Avenir, the youngest of the Prime Lands, and the only place where you can regularly find all known Callers types in one place.
What is a Caller?
Eodiena is home to a wide array of creatures and beings. But, the most notable of these entities (and the central focus of the story) are the Callers, people who possess the ability to channel their natural energy - known as Essence - to either generate or control specific aspects of nature. Beast Callers summon animal constructs, Plant Callers manipulate vegetation, Storm Callers conjure rifts in the air that emit inclement weather, and Gate Callers open portals in space-time. Each type of Caller has a unique Essence, which affects their biology in a number of interesting ways. One of these - and often the first way a Caller is identified, is in their eye color. Each Caller type has a unique iris color, which matches that of certain gemstones. Beasters are amber/yellow (citrine), Planters are green (emerald), Stormers are blue (sapphire), and Gaters are pink (rose quartz). ​ Along with their eyes, another identifying feature of a Caller is their sigil, a sort of naturally occurring tattoo-like symbol on their body. All sigils begin as the same symbol: a small dot with a sort of tiny arrow pointing out from the top and bottom. Once a Caller emerges - that is, comes into their power (think of it as a sort of Caller puberty) - their base sigil morphs into one unique to their type. Images of these can be found in the ARTWORK tab. Every type's sigil manifests on a specific area of the body. Beast is on their torso. Plant is on their arm. Storm is on their neck. Gate is on their head. ​ As if these features weren't enough, there's another thing that is unique to each Caller, although this one is far less obvious, usually only visible while actively using their power. These features are called passives, innate abilities that further differentiate each Caller type, and are mostly involuntary. Beasters take on physical attributes of their dominant species. The stronger that Caller's Essence is, the more animal-like they become. Planters have potent cellular regeneration and resource management, due to being capable of both cellular respiration and photosynthesis. This makes them especially resistant to infection, have a potent healing factor, and be able to go long periods without consumption, so long as they get a lot of sunlight. Gaters posses an energy field that dampens the effects of gravity on them, allowing them to sort of hover at times, as well as generally making them appear lighter. Stormers have an interesting passive, as unlike the others, it's actually counterintuitive to their culture. See, while the other 3 tend to gather and form their own communities, Storm Callers are notorious for being loners. The irony of this is that, when they Call near each other, their storm rifts are attracted to each other, often merging and feeding off of each other's energy, enhancing their strength. As you can see, there's a lot going on in the body of a Caller. And, that's just the ones people know about! ​ The main 4 Caller types are pretty well known, and have been widely accepted by society. This is why the Prime Lands' cultures are built around each of their native types. However, there are also 3 extremely rare types of Caller in the world, all of which were thought to be extinct, causing much of their history and data to be lost to time. Those 3 are Metal Callers, Blood Callers, and of course, Star Callers. Blood and Star Callers were hunted to supposed extinction over 50 years ago by The Council (more on that, later), while most Metal Callers never lived past puberty, due to circumstances seemingly no one understands. Metal Callers' eyes are silver (metal), and their sigil is on their leg. Blood Callers have red eyes (ruby) and their sigil is on their hand. And, Star Callers have purple eyes (amethyst), and their sigil is on their back. While Callers are arguably the most interesting kind of people on Eodiena, they are not the only kind. Those people without the ability to Call are known as sapiens. Callers make up about half of the world population. However, only about 1/5 of THEM (about 10% of the global population) have any notable level of power. This exceptional group is known as elites, and usually become warriors, soldiers, or competitors, with some opting to be terrorists. The other Callers in the world are split into 2 groups: average Callers known as basics, who make up about 3/5 of all Callers (30% GP), and those unfortunate few Callers on the opposite end of the spectrum, whose powers are so weak, they're barely distinguishable from sapiens. These unlucky few are known as barrens. And, most of them either opt to live as sapiens - sometimes using their limited abilities for amusement or labor, or attempt Transference - often ending in tragedy.
What is Transference?
Transference is a natural but extremely dangerous method by which a Caller can rapidly obtain power. When a Caller uses their power to kill another Caller of the same type (ex. Storm on Storm), the process of Transference begins, in which the Essence of the fallen attempts to bond with that of the killer. When this happens, the fallen's Essence will drain itself from their body, gathering into a single point in the center of their sigil. Then, the Essence will cast itself toward the sigil of the killer, causing the fallen's sigil to revert to its base state as their Essence attempts to bond with its new host. This process is usually extremely painful, requiring a strength, will, and level proportionate to that of the fallen. If Transference is successful, the new host absorbs the joining Essence, taking on a portion of the specific energy signature that it carried - basically claiming a bit of their victim's power. However, if the bond fails, the joining Essence attacks the killer from the inside, usually ending in their swift and brutal end. ​ Eodiena has a rich, tumultuous, and vibrant history. And, some of this history will be explored further in the location-specific submenus, and in later updates. Check back often for more!