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The Outlands


     Location: Southwest Rin

    Native Essence Form: Storm

    Feature(s): Winterfield Towers

    Geography: Wasteland, desert, arctic

    Capitol: None

    Other Settlements: Scattered camps, Winterfield Towers

    Affiliated Character(s): Koren Laris, Dimitri Raze


     There are few left alive who still remember the glory days of Atmos. Apparently a once thriving and civilized settlement, Atmos has long since fallen to ruin, a vast and sparsely populated wasteland that serves as a massive monument to the reckless misuse of power. Fractured buildings and scattered debris make up the backdrop for roaming gangs, erratic weather, and wandering scavengers desperately clinging to life in The Outlands. The only structures that still remain mostly intact are the Winterfield Towers, though no one seems to know who maintains them, or why...


Learn more about Atmos closer to the release of Callers: Eclipse

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