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The Midlands


     Location: South Central Rin

     Native Essence Form: Sapien

     Feature(s): Most technologically advanced, borders all other Prime Lands, most diverse population, dampeners

     Geography: Metro, suburban, urban, hills, grassland

     Capital: Tehopolis

     Other Settlements: Kingdom's Edge, Edgewood, Eastview, merchant village

     Affiliated Character(s): Mira Holt (origin: undisclosed), Valon Durey (origin: undisclosed), Dir. Manna Ken, Kai Ten (origin: undisclosed), Dr. Viktoria Urgotov, Cpt. Chris Reigns, Dr. Jirai Gumo (origin: undisclosed), Cpt. Brade Ursinger, Yamamaru Inoshi (origin: Haruka)



     Avenir is the central territory of the continent of Rin. It is the only region that shares a border with all four of the other Prime Lands, making it a natural choice for commerce, travel, and neutrality. Diversity defines Avenir. From the quiet suburbs of Edgewood, to the gritty urban neighborhood of Kingdom's Edge, to the humble but lively traveling Merchant Village, Avenir is home to a wide variety of domestic environments. But, none are as notable or as developed as Avenir's capitol city, Tehopolis. Seated near the south of the region, Tehopolis acts as the communal hub for all of Avenir, and indeed most of the developed world. Its skyscrapers can be seen on the horizon for miles, and its technology has impacted almost every other region. But, what really makes Avenir special is its people.


     Avenir, and especially Tehopolis, boasts the most diverse range of denizens of any region. It's the only region where the sapien population is more than double that of Callers. It's also the only region where you can find every Essence Form in the same place, being that it promotes a culture of equitable inclusion. This is where all peoples, Caller and sapien alike, are encouraged to commune within the same boundaries, so long as Callers adhere to strict but fair limitations to bring them on even terms with sapiens. This arrangement is involuntarily imposed by the Dampener Systems, a network of towers, drones, and panels that emit a concentrated signal that inhibits Calling with its fields. This, of course, is not without some exceptions. The Tehopolitan City Guard, for example, is about 30% Beast Caller, with those members being equipped with special badges that make them immune to the effects of the Dampeners. Bounty Hunters are often Storm Callers, granting them some minor exemptions. And, Gate Callers aren't affected by them, at all; a condition of the treaty between At'aasi and Avenir signed long ago. It was this treaty that helped establish Tehopolis. And, it's at least partly the reason for many of the subsets of Aveniran society. One of those subsets are the agents of CASE, the second tier of combat organizations in Avenir, and home to the Combat Augments.


     Avenir is home to 2 organized combat forces. The City Guard enforces the laws of Tehopolis and the surrounding towns. The Combat Augment Security Enforcement Agency (CASE) protects and patrols the borders, also serving as the primary investigative force for Callers related high crimes, such as murder. 


     Many years ago, scientists and engineers made a breakthrough in prosthetic technology. The discovery of the living metal, biochromium, along with advancements in the manipulation of pure Essence, allowed for a seamless bonding of man and machine rapidly shifted the perception of possibility throughout Avenir. These advancements led to augmentations that could serve as prosthetics for amputees, accommodations for labor workers, and weaponry for select soldiers, the latter of which are called Combat Augments, known colloquially as "auggies". So far, all auggies are sapiens, as the process isn't known to agree with Callers. These augmentations give sapiens a massive edge in Avenir, tempered only by the strict criteria limiting who can be augmented, and to what degree. Because of this, there have been tensions between some citizens - Callers and sapien - about the fairness of auggies. But, for the most part, harmony is maintained. For now.


     Avenir is unique in that its governing body is actually mostly comprised of people from a completely different region. This body is the At'aasi-Avenir Unified Council, and they serve as overseers and supreme court of both Avenir and At'aasi. However, the day-to-day moderation of Avenir is mostly run by the more powerful citizens of Tehopolis. The further from the city a settlement is, the more locally and casually it is run.


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