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The At'asaai are the exemplars of academic excellence and essential enlightenment to the peoples of Eodiena. Among them, the Kalakaar family are renowned for the prowess of their lineage. T'araan is a notable member of that family.
Kalakaar, T’araan is a scholar to his core. A Senior class Gate Caller, his dedication to study and practice are reflected in his high marks and versatility with dimensional manipulation. His desire to learn and understand the intricacies of the world beyond the Academy is insatiable. It is his belief that the pursuit of absolute truth is the highest calling of one in his position.
Being of At'aasi - a famously esoteric Prime Land - very little is known about T'araan’s personal history. However, considering his people are staunch pacifists, it is no surprise that he abhors violence. So, while others seek to conquer or avenge or escape the world, Kalakaar, T'araan simply seeks to understand it, and hold it - and himself - to the highest possible standard of truth.