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Where fantasy, sci-fi, and drama meet!

Manna Ken is a soldier fighting a war most of the world doesn't even know is happening. And, despite her relatively youthful appearance, it's a war she's been fighting, mostly alone, for almost half a century.
Manna is an augmented sapien, a non-Caller whose body has been repaired and upgraded with a combination of advanced technology and Biochromium, a bioorganic metal native to Eodiena. In fact, she's THE augment, being the most powerful among them, and one of the progenitors of the program that eventually developed into CASE, the Combat Augment Security Enforcement unit. Being both an enforcer and unnaturally empowered, Manna is no stranger to adversity or conflict. And, while crushing most opponents would be simpler, Manna actually holds back in most of her fights. She sees power as something to contain and selectively deploy, not abuse.
Manna doesn't do emotion. She does her job. The only feelings she outwardly displays are various stages of restrained irritation or cold honesty. Those who know of her would say that, considering she's almost 70% machine, that she sacrificed her sapienity a long time ago. Those few who have managed to be close to her understand that she sees protecting people as her paramount duty. And if she has to choose between being a friend and being a guardian, she'll choose guardian nine times out of ten.
Criminals beware. The Iron Angel is always watching.