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Welcome to Callers Books

Writer: Xin GravesXin Graves

Updated: Feb 23

Geeks and gamers, cinephiles and bookworms. If you're looking for something fun to read that rewards attention to detail, but remains easy to follow throughout, stick around. You might like it here.

I'm Xin Graves. Lead Author of Callers: Emergence and co-creator of the Callers universe. Let me show you around.

Our team has written a story of adventure and intrigue, laced with witty dialogue and wondrous settings, and stacked with dope action scenes that are as exciting as they are substantial. We've put our own spin on a bunch of familiar archetypes like the Orphan Hero, Epic Edgelord, and Femme Fatale. We've worked in familiar tropes like an enemies-to-lovers plotline, an epic quest with side quests, hidden agendas, a secret cabal, and a metric fuckton of references and easter eggs to discover. But we were careful not to make a bloated mess out of a bunch of good ideas. Every word has a purpose. We're confident we've struck the right balance between emotion, direction, and spectacle, and we're excited to show it to y'all. We’re also eager to get your opinions. Maybe even some reviews on Amazon or social media? Just a thought.

So, one of the hardest aspects of being a self-published author is marketing. Coming up with effective advertising is bloody frustrating on a good day. Also, we find most book marketing to be hyperbolic and deceptive. Either that or they just distract you with sex or celebrity. We respect our audience and want to be authentic, but we also want to have fun and entertain. Plus, we don't have a lot of money for fancy shit so, we make everything we can ourselves. And honestly? It's more satisfying that way. We're hoping you'll get a kick out of it too.

Over the next two months, we're gonna systematically introduce you - spoiler free, of course - to the characters, concepts, and composition of Eodiena, the world in which our story is set.

Now, our magic system is called Essence, and it's broken down into different classifications called Essence Forms. Each of those Forms is represented by a Sigil, a kind of naturally occurring tattoo that Callers have. For each of the next nine weeks, you'll be introduced to the design philosophy, and a bit of lore attached to each sigil. Once released, these features will appear on However, if you want to see them first, follow us on our socials.

The last thing I wanna mention is the Cypher Contest. Hidden within this slate of videos are six codes. You'll have to follow our releases to find them, watch closely to see them, and own a copy of the book to use them. You'll also need this:

The game is afoot! Happy hunting!

If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking around. Be sure to like, comment, and follow us at CallersBooks on all our socials. We had a lot of fun making these little bits of content, and we hope you have fun watching them. So, if you like what we're doing, let your friends and the almighty algorithms know you wanna see more. We have a bunch of big plans we wanna bring you. Get your copy of Callers: Emergence, today. And, welcome to Eodiena.



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