On the continent of Rin, there are legends like The Iron Angel and The Lion Princess. There are myths like the Star and Blood Callers. Then there are ghost stories; tales with no certainty or known origin, that tell of a haunting and horrifying creature. That's how people speak of Metal Callers, if they speak of them at all.
Star and Blood Callers may be rare and dangerous, but at least most of the continent knows they're rare and dangerous. Most people believe neither of them exist anymore. Most are unaware that Metal Callers ever did. And, even among those few who are, there is next to no understanding of how they work or what they can do.
The only Metal Caller you'll encounter in Emergence is Kai Ten, and even she herself is basically a myth. Even Koren Laris, one of the most seasoned and worldly Callers on Rin - a man who has met Kai in person - doesn't know what she is.
“Ok so, first off, there are seven types,” Koren started “The four primaries and the three anomalies.” Koren winked at Mira. “One of those is you, kiddo. Another is whatever the hell Kai Ten is.”
However, her sharp eyes are locked onto our gang. Her master wants his hands on the Star. Koren wants revenge on Kai. And, Kai will use every weapon in her arsenal to accomplish her mission. When these powerful Callers cross paths, readers will see first hand the horrible beauty of a Metal Caller.